Under President Obama's new health care law, Medicaid will become a very different health coverage program than first envisioned.
During my nearly five years as director-general of WHO, high-level policymakers have increasingly recognized that health is central to sustainable development.
San Francisco businesses face many challenges, including high rents, regulatory burdens, and the rising cost of workers compensation insurance and employee health plans.
The myopic obsession of the Tea Party with destroying health care reform and wounding the president has led Republicans astray.
Everyone knows about the substantive issues of concern, like federal health care, but very little is said about the process, the lack of accountability.
The more Americans find out about President Barack Obama's health care law, the less they like it. A majority of Americans want out.
While some people are certainly seeing economic benefits, many others are unemployed, underemployed, without health insurance and struggling to make ends meet.
Seven presidents before him - Democrats and Republicans - tried to expand health care to all Americans. President Obama got it done.
I mean, the fight for a health care bill to cover all Americans and leave none behind is attacked as being a race appeal, which is not true, but then it's put out in the media as true.
And what we're doing in Ohio is we're moving from a basic manufacturing economy to one that's diversified, including energy and health care and agriculture and IT.
I don't want to suggest that controlling pharmaceutical costs is the answer to what ails the U.S. health care system. It isn't.
Saying 'no' to very bad legislation is not wrong. In fact, when the American people tell you that they don't want the health care bill, you've got a responsibility to say no.
Over and over again, I hear from Oregonians that we need real health care reform that provides every American with access to quality, affordable care.
Decades of scientific research has proven that carbon pollution is harmful to human health and causes global warming.
We are particularly interested in the mental health programs and policies that support our troops and their families before, during, and after deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Let's drive the message home: we need health insurance reform, we need a strong public option, and we won't settle for less.
I'm not saying we don't need health care reform. We do need health care reform.
In turn, more physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers are severely limiting their practices, moving to other states, or simply not providing care.
In Illinois, community, migrant, homeless and public housing health centers operate 268 primary care sites and serve close to 1 million patients every year.
I find it a lot healthier for me to be someplace where I can go outside in my bare feet.
The political health of Britain has deteriorated very sharply. The Conservative Party must do something about it. I am the man to do it.