Amy: Pond and her boys . . . my poncho boys. If we're going to die, let's die looking like a peruvian folk band.
In order to appeal to a wider audience on network in order to survive, generally your characters need to be, at a base level, a little bit more likable.
There will always be economic pressure to make hits, identify hits, and then exploit hits. And you're going to exploit them with as many episodes as you probably can.
Everyone in Hollywood who is successful becomes less successful at some point. I'm just trying to delay that fall for as long as I can.
I don't like it to be compared to 'Survivor.' The idea of 'Survivor' is to kill each other off to win the prize. There's no killing in Gilligan's Island.
'Rescue From Gilligan's Island' was the first of the so-called reunion shows on the networks, getting a 54 share. With numbers like that, everybody else started to have reunion shows.
From an app point of view, if you looked at innovation on the PC, you'd be hard pressed to find companies innovating. The list is small.
It's my memory, and what happened between that moment 10 or 15 years ago and now, there's a lot of gray area.
When you don't have children you have to define and make your own purpose, and make your own reason for being here.
When I was in college in Philly, there was a lot of post-punks... hardcore... like, rock. Sixties, retro, proto-Strokes kind of bands.
What we call rational grounds for our beliefs are often extremely irrational attempts to justify our instincts.
The concept that an artist would be revered by popular culture is an immediate dismissal of his relevance as an artist.
A still image attracts the viewer with an overall impact, then reveals smaller details upon further study.
The disintegration of the culture starts with the artist. I'm on a crusade to turn the tide in the arts, to restore dignity to the arts and, by extension, to the culture.
I've never been at odds with the world of contemporary artists. If there is any animosity, it's one-sided.
I used to think people above me might get jealous because I wanted to do what they did. But no, people are much nicer than that.
If you say that you're all about a certain something, and look back and see that the choices that you've made don't reflect that, then there's something for you to look at.
We rob ourselves of so much by focusing on the wrong stuff. And the ability to get into the moment and deal with what is, that's the real opportunity.
I jump into the process, and the record begins to gel at some point. Then I begin to get a picture of where I'm going. But it's not always something I know on the front-end.
Painting is the aesthetic side of the object but it has never been original, has never been its own goal.
I realized that the "thing" and the "concept" were substituted for feeling and understood the falsity of the world of will and idea