It's my job to be the Pierrot, the clown, in the theatrical sense.
I haven't done anything that I'm ashamed of.
Rap is a gimmick, but I'm for the hip-hop, the culture.
Little wars start big wars.
We're not gonna misread our mandate.
No one in the Emirates is above the law and accountability.
I have my way of doing things.
I've operated and launched newspapers all over the world.
There's more to light than the opposite of dark.
I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form.
I call myself a constitutional conservative.
I didn't say I was running, did I?
I wanted my voice to be a tenor sax, really.
I still like to get carried away - but passively.
I was a total dork in high school.
I don't know whether I like it, but it is what I meant.
I'm an average citizen and always have been.
My district has a lot of trade-dependent jobs.
America is just downright mean.
I'm not against gay people.
All presidents get frustrated with Congress.