I wanted to do a movie about being really good at something, yet being socially awkward and not as advanced in your personal life as you are in your creative life.
Human beings have survived for millennia because most of us make good decisions about our health most of the time.
I try to be a good human being and keep up with what's going on in the world by reading and staying in touch with the current events.
Journalists are accused of being lapdogs when they don't ask the hard questions, but then accused of being rude when they do. Good thing we have tough hides.
There are some examples of medieval kings who were terrible human beings but were nevertheless good kings.
But on a utilitarian level, I realize that to try to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number of people, sometimes we have to become salesmen for what we believe, and part of being a salesman is being effective.
I think that part of being a good journalist, part of being an awake member of the world you're in, is to view yourself as an outsider, and I always have, to some degree.
I've never been driven to just be a celebrity or just get me on TV. Never ever. What's always driven me is being successful and being good at what I do.
Being Canadian and from Winnipeg, I have the spirit of a dreamer because of the cold, and being in the basement thinking of possibilities of where else I can be in the world, in a good way!
Being a good listener is more than just being quiet. It's reflecting back on what you're hearing. It's processing the information to formulate a question, a comment or a speech.
Evangelicals need to take a good look at what their issues are. Are they really being faithful to Jesus? Are they being faithful to the Bible?
I think there should be a good balance between being a good student and being able to enjoy your high school life.
The Federal Government is achieving its stated goal of helping more minorities go from being renters to being owners.
Almost all the ideas we have about being a man or being a woman are so burdened with pain, anxiety, fear and self-doubt. For many of us, the confusion around this question is excruciating.
In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human being, without feeling fear, restraint, or obligation.
People are famous for being famous and for nothing else. And good luck to them, because it lasts about a year and then they're nothing again.
One thing about being famous is the people around you, you pay all their bills so they very rarely disagree with you because they want you to pick up the check.
I think the driving thing was curiosity about the universe. That fascinated me. I didn't think anything about being famous or anything like that, I was just interested in the concepts involved.
You know, I did not like being famous. It was a stressful and ugly time, and I'm glad it's over.
When you work with actors, what you're hoping to absorb is good ways to be an actor as opposed to how to handle being famous.
Hitler was so modern, in that he was obsessed with being famous. He was caught up with this rush to be have achieved greatness before turning 30.