My site is a little unorthodox without being totally inaccessible.
I can't legislate a song into being; it just will not happen for me.
Being a hippy was the most natural thing in the world to me.
One of the exciting and enjoyable aspects of acting is being in the environment with another actor.
Thinking you're immortal is weirdly similar to being immortal.
If nothing else, we simply get used to being alive.
I liked being married instead of the girl who's looking for a guy.
Other people are only aspects of our own greater being.
You will see the President being very, very tough on spending.
Not that being so mature is a bad thing, but there are times to be mature and there are times to be loose.
I need to keep traveling, being a gypsy, having experiences and writing about them.
In my day, I, being the first supermodel, I hawked everything.
I might be needy, competitive and desperate but it's far better than being wet.
There is a fine line between assertiveness and being relaxed.
Gulliver was soon being read "from the cabinet council to the nursery".
Being able to stay with a character over the course of years is a gift.
I may have many faults, but being wrong ain't one of them.
I'm phobic about the idea of being constrained.
I like stripper shoes. I like being tall because I'm claustrophobic.
In being strict, you were able to control.
I hated being a public company CEO.