Every authentically loved being is a kind of god.
Being alive always seems to be the price of something.
I loathe being crimped into this deplorable position on the vampyre chessboard.
Some folks are happier not being saved.
The absolute value of being neutral is zero.
What's the good of being alive if you don't do anything?
What is the good of being an island, if you are not a volcanic island?
Superfast beings shouldn't piss off the comics geek-girl.
To know you will be lonely is not the same as being lonely.
The sage is sick of being sick (Tao Te Ching)
Seek protection from the supreme-being.
The best way to feel family is being part of it.
We might miss the days of being unreachable.
True greatness consists in being great in little things.
Birthday Alarm was a very simple site based on being reminded of your friends' birthdays.
If one comes across sometimes as being cold or brusque, it's simply because I'm striving for the best.
Being in my best shape, my conditioning, it's something I pride myself in.
The best part of being blonde is forgivable momentary lapses of common sense.
Being a mum is the best thing that has ever been given to me in my life.
Be happy with who you are, and know that being you is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Parents are the designated caregivers and are best suited for being able to raise children.