Q: It always makes me feel a bit melancholy. Grand old war ship. being ignominiously haunted away to scrap... The inevitability of time, don't you think? What do you see? James Bond: A bloody big ship. Excuse me. Q: 007. I'm your new Quartermaster. J...
[Warden Norton visits Andy in solitary] Warden Samuel Norton: I'm sure by now you've heard. Terrible thing. Man that young, less than a year to go, trying to escape... Broke Captain Hadley's heart to shoot him, truly it did. We just have to put it be...
James T. Kirk: [to Spock] The test itself is a cheat, isn't it? I mean, you programmed it to be unwinnable. Spock: Your argument precludes the possibility of a no-win scenario. James T. Kirk: I don't believe in no-win scenarios. Spock: Then not only ...
[first lines] 40-Year-Old Mattie: People do not give it credence that a young girl could leave home and go off in the wintertime to avenge her father's blood. But it did happen. I was just 14 years of age when a coward by the name of Tom Chaney shot ...
Jean Claude: Just like the old days. Bryan: Would you have it any other way? Jean Claude: Between you and me, no. But now that I sit behind a desk, the world looks different. Bryan: You mean it looks boring. Jean Claude: I mean different. Okay, a lit...
Tibeats: [singing] Nigger run, nigger flew/Nigger tore his shirt in two/Run, run, the pattyroller git you/Run nigger run, well ya better get away. That's right, like you mean it. Nigger run, run so fast/Stove his head in a hornet's nest/Run, run, the...
Charlie Kaufman: There was this time in high school. I was watching you out the library window. You were talking to Sarah Marsh. Donald Kaufman: Oh, God. I was so in love with her. Charlie Kaufman: I know. And you were flirting with her. And she was ...
Robert Ford: They gave me ten days. Charley Ford: For what? Robert Ford: Arresting him. Charley Ford: You and me, huh? Robert Ford: It's going to happen one way or another. It's going to happen, Charley, and it might as well be us who get rich on it....
Harvey Pekar: What movie could be worth driving 260 miles round trip for? Toby Radloff: It's a new film called Revenge of the Nerds. It's about a group of nerd college students who are being picked on all the time by the jocks. So they decide to take...
[In a post-credits scene, Fred stands in front of the family portrait] Fred: Dad, I just wish I could share my accomplishments with you. You mean so much to me and, honestly I've always felt a distance, what with you being on the family island all th...
Hiro: It's over, Krei. [Without his mask, Yokai stands up and turns around to Hiro, revealing he is Callaghan] Hiro: [shocked] P-Professor Callaghan? The explosion... you died. Robert Callaghan: No. I had your microbots. [a flashback shows Callaghan ...
Overweight Man: Been to the top of the tower? Ray: Yeah... yeah, it's rubbish. Overweight Man: It is? The guide book says it's a must see. Ray: Well you lot ain't going up there. Overweight Man: Pardon me? Why? Ray: I mean, it's all winding stairs. I...
Eirik: I was trying to rob him. And he took my gun from me. And the gun was full of blanks. And he shot a blank into my eye. And now I cannot see from this eye ever again, the doctors say. Harry: Well to be honest it sounds like it's all your fault. ...
Ray: Hey-ho. Drowning your sorrows, huh? Ken: What sorrows? Ray: You know, being a sad, old, ugly little man. Ray: [to the bartender] One gay beer please. Ken: How'd your date go? Ray: My date involved two instances of extreme violence, one instance ...
He (Lafcadio) was sitting all alone in a compartment of the train which was carrying him away from Rome, & contemplating–not without satisfaction–his hands in their grey doeskin gloves, as they lay on the rich fawn-colored plaid, which, in spite ...
You’re here!” She repeated, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. He’d dropped his bags as she’d ran, and now he cupped her bottom in his large hands...His heart gave a giant thump, all the way down from his chest to...
Nowhere can I think so happily as in a train. I am not inspired; nothing so uncomfortable as that. I am never seized with a sudden idea for a masterpiece, nor form a sudden plan for some new enterprise. My thoughts are just pleasantly reflective. I t...
May 20, '95 - Mississippi calls. She says, "All my working life I have done things to help black people. I can drive into the black part of town where no white person would dare to go. I have nothing to fear. They say, 'Hi there, Mizz Mississippi.' I...
You're my sister," he said finally. "My sister, my blood, my family. I should want to protect you"—he laughed soundlessly without any humor—"to protect you from the sort of boys who want to do with you exactly what I want to do." Clary's breath c...
I don’t know. How can you know? I…I’m a monster. When I’m hungry, I might do anything." "Oh no, of course I couldn’t possibly understand you." Violet’s shadowed face seemed to be wearing a grim and serious smile. "I know, you woke up one ...
I look at sex differently than most people. It’s an exchange, and it should be good for both parties. I don’t want you to spread your legs and let me have you because you want someone to hold you. If you want me to hold you, ask me. I want you to...