Unconditional love doesn't happen overnight, it is a gradual process. love, live and let others do the same.
The Professor doesn’t have a problem being called Dick? If my name was Richard, I’d go by Richard or Rich . . . not Dick. Hell, I’d even settle for being called Chard.
There will be no slandering of celestial beings. I've warned you on countless occasions." "If said celestial beings weren't spreading celestial rumors, perhaps I wouldn't be moved to wrench celestial balls.
I’m late to dinner, but I’m early to being in love. I’m such a gentleman that I hold every door open—even if the guy sitting in the bathroom stall is protesting.
If body language is 90% of a conversation, then obviously what’s being said is only half as important as what’s not being said. And what are you saying? I can’t hear you when my back is turned.
Human beings. They are the ones with the most important job. They are supposed to make what they want out of what they are given.
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.
Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.
I just thought I was empty and now I'm being filled...and I just wanted to keep being filled.
Confidence is not about being self-centered. It's about being emotionally centered, so you can better see other people.
She had the wild look of someone who hadn’t slept in twenty-four hours, with purplish semicircles underneath both her eyes. Being eighteen was like being made out of rubber and cocaine.
The good news is that being in gratitude does not require time and money. All it requires is an attitude of being grateful.
You’re not a human being until you value something more than the life of your body. And the greater the thing you live and die for the greater you are.
The inner story, though the same in essence for all, is always single and unique in each human being, never before lived and never to be repeated.
It's just that you are practiced at persuading, and sometimes it's quite difficult, sir to distinguish being persuaded by you from being knocked down in street and stamped on. Pg.406
As far as I'm concerned, you're changing the fate of another human being. Maybe he isn't meant to be elected to office. Maybe humans deserve to live with electing the wrong person.
To have distinctiveness is to believe in the distinctiveness of everyone else, because distinctiveness is not mine but is God’s gift by which he gives being to me, and he indeed gives to all, gives being to all. (p. 271)
We will see every human beings as Christ and we will help Hindus to be better Hindus, Muslims to be better Muslims, and Christians to be better Christians"(Mother Teresa).
It didn’t take much to turn a man solitary-being the new guy too often, being controversial now and then, a couple of unsuccessful attempts at a lasting relationship with a woman…
Sometimes, when I'm alone, I wonder if it really counts as being alone, since I am covered in millions of other living organisms.
I understand her immediately. She is an instigator, a fire starter, an accelerant of a human being, throwing herself into the middle of a crowd and lighting it up. She is fucking lighter fluid.