When you get pregnant, you start reading pregnancy books. Everything has been pretty textbook. It's amazing how they can say , 'This week, this might happen,' and it kind of does. I had typical nausea the first trimester, which was no fun. And extrem...
I made her late, so she made me dinner. And by late I mean pregnant. And by dinner I mean marry her.
I took a deep breath. "Are you free tonight?" There was a long, pregnant pause. "What about the man in the dream?" he finally asked. "There is no man in the dream.
The choice not to have sex, not to be hurt. The choice not to risk pregnancy. And then... what if she had become pregnant? The choice not to abort? The choice not to have a child?
She looked around her apartment which seemed to be waiting for something. Lana hated that, when the room was a pregnant pause.
My wife and I left New York when she got pregnant - we just thought it would be really hard to stay in the city.
When I was pregnant, a few of my friends told me that their babies slept in bed with them. I remember thinking how crazy that was. Then I started reading up on it and decided it was something I actually wanted to try.
When I was at primary school, we had this theory that if you ate an egg, it meant you'd get pregnant and give birth to a chicken or another egg. It was something we dared together. I avoided eggs for years, but now they're my favourite food.
When I was in nursery school, the teachers asked me, y'know, 'What does your dad do for a living?' So I said 'He helps women get pregnant!' They called my mom and they were like, 'What exactly does your husband do?'
Earlier feminists were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men, who, until recently, couldn't get pregnant.
Let me tell you, when you're pregnant with the first one, it's great of course, all new and 'Yay!' With the second one it's still okay; you can pay attention to number one and she can share in the joy of the pregnancy.
Many thanks for all of the love and good wishes sent our way from my friends out there in cartoon land... the only place where a nine month pregnant woman can still play a hot goth chick in a belly shirt!
The darkest period of my life, so far, arrived the summer I was pregnant with my eldest son. The future was growing in me with all of its terrifying unpredictability, and I found myself anxious, unable to work and woefully at sea.
The worst storyline I've ever been involved in I wasn't involved in, because I was clever enough to get pregnant with my second child and they wrote me out and they replaced me with Christine Jones. And thank God - that was the worst storyline.
When you're pregnant, you go out and buy every single book; you have this stack of books on your nightstand, but there was nothing that was preparing me for anything even remotely resembling what my life was going to look like.
The jargon of sculptors is beyond me. I do not know precisely why I admire a green granite female, apparently pregnant monster with one eye going around a square corner.
Me and Vinny are dead careful, and we only had sex once without a condom, our first time, and it's a scientific fact that virgins can't get pregnant. Stella told me.
I think when I was pregnant with my first child - he's about 10 or 11 now - I first noticed changes in my skin, which can make you panic a bit. I had a bit of melasma.
I quit smoking the day I found out I was pregnant, which was nine years ago. But I'll still smoke in a movie. I have other vices, you know, like potato chips and chardonnay - but not together.
Vanessa Loring: Your parents are probably wondering where you are. Juno MacGuff: Nah... I mean, I'm already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?
Juno MacGuff: [V.O] Orange Tic-Tacs are Bleeker's one and only vice. When we made out, the day I got pregnant, his mouth tasted really tangy and delicious.