[Raoul is imagining himself in court] Lucy: Those two men in the dock they gave me the LSD and they took me to the hotel. I don't know what they done to me, but I remember it was horrible. [Duke Groans] Judge: They gave you what? Lucy: L.S.D. Judge: ...
[after supposedly stabbing Sgt. Angel, Danny is waving a sachet of tomato ketchup] Danny Butterman: Ta-daaa! Nicholas Angel: Danny, this is murder. Danny Butterman: It's not murder, it's ketchup. Nicholas Angel: It's Frank! He's appointed himself Jud...
Veta Louise Simmons: Judge Gaffney, is that all those doctors do in places like that - think about sex? Judge Gaffney: I don't know. Veta Louise Simmons: Because if it is they ought to be ashamed of themselves. It's all in their heads anyway. Why don...
[On the alibi for Gerry Conlon and Paul Hill] Appeal Prosecutor: My Lord, this is new evidence. Appeal Judge: It is shocking new evidence. Appeal Prosecutor: My lord, this evidence was not submitted at the trial that is under appeal. Appeal Judge: Th...
Simin: Your daughter's future isn't important to you? Judge: There are a lot of children who live in this country. You say none of them have a future? Simin: I prefer my child doesn't grow up in this situation. I have the right as a mother. Judge: Wh...
Sweeney Todd: And who may it be said is your intended, sir? Judge Turpin: My ward... and pretty as a rosebud. Sweeney Todd: Pretty as her mother? Judge Turpin: [confused] Wha... what was that? Sweeney Todd: Nothing, sir. Nothing. May we proceed?
Judge Doom: [while putting on a large black rubber glove] Since I've had Toontown under my jurisdiction my goal has been to reign in the insanity, and the only way to do that is to make Toons respect... [lets the glove snap back onto his arm] Judge D...
Judge Doom: You see, Mr. Valiant, the successful conclusion of this case draws the curtain on my career as a jurist in Toontown. I'm retiring, taking a new role in the private sector. Eddie Valiant: That wouldn't be Cloverleaf Industries, by any chan...
Smart Ass: Hey Judge, what should we do with the wallflower? [referring to Eddie who is now visible through the hole in the wall] Judge Doom: [holding Roger by the neck] We'll settle with him later. Right now, I feel like dispensing some justice. Bri...
Vinny Gambini: [Trotter asks Vinny how he became a lawyer] Well, I got a bullshit traffic ticket. I went to court, I got the cop on the stand, and I argued with him until he admitted he was wrong. And the judge, this Judge Malloy. All the while he's ...
We're all the harshest judges of ourselves.
It's up to history to judge.
No one ever judges their own self.
It's not my style to judge anybody.
Mayors are judged by results.
Well, for one, I don't judge my characters.
So long as you do it truthfully, music is not to be judged.
Tallow turned the corner into Bat and Scarly's office to be greeted by a large plastic robot on the bench waving its arms and shouting, in an electronically processed voiced as a small plastic penis repeatedly jabbed out from its groin on a short met...
For every crime that comes before him, a judge is required to complete a perfect syllogism in which the major premise must be the general law; the minor, the action that conforms or does not conform to the law; and the conclusion, acquittal or punish...
I would not employ an author to referee a Ping-Pong match. By their very nature they are biased and bloody-minded. Better put a fox in a henhouse than to ask an author to judge his peers. (in a letter to the Governor General about the GA's Literary A...
I remeber asking a wise man, once . . . 'Why do Men fear the dark?' . . . 'Because darkness' he told me, 'is ignorance made visable.' 'And do Men despise ignorance?' I asked. 'No,' he said, 'they prize it above all things--all things!--but only so lo...