I looked over at Augustus Waters, who looked back at me. You could almost see through his eyes they were so blue. "There will come a time," I said, "when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining t...
They [feminists] share the instinct for tyranny and destruction - and they are filled with self-loathing. In the end, leftist feminists yearn to submit to, and submerge themselves within, a despotic monolith. Because they despise their own society an...
I had to be right in never talking about what you could not change, and I had to make many people agree that I was right. None of them ever accused me of being responsible for what had happened to Phineas, either because they could not believe it or ...
It’s a sort of furtiveness … Like we were a generation of furtive. You know, with an inner knowledge there’s no use flaunting on that level, the level of the ‘public’, a kind of beatness – I mean, being right down to it, to ourselves, bec...
[Saying grace at Thanksgiving] Wendy Hood: Dear Lord, thank you for this Thanksgiving holiday. And for all the material possessions we have and enjoy. And for letting us white people kill all the Indians and steal their tribal lands. And stuff oursel...
Wilhelm Kunde: [Goeth is being driven round the Ghetto in an open top car] This street divides the ghetto just about in half. On the right, ghetto A, civil employees, industrial workers and so on. On the left, ghetto B, surplus labor, the elderly and...
[the Ghetto is being "cleared out", with machine gun fire all around, two SS Guards stop and listen to a fellow Guard playing the piano] First S.S. Guard: Was ist das? Ist das Bach? Second S.S. Guard: Nein. First S.S. Guard: Ist das Bach? Second S.S....
The Writer: Vern didn't just mean being off limits inside the junkyard, or fudging on our folks, or going on a hike up the railroad to Harlow. He meant those things, but it seems to me now it was more and that we all knew it. Everything was there and...
[first lines] The Writer: [voiceover] I was 12 going on 13 the first time I saw a dead human being. It happened in the summer of 1959-a long time ago, but only if you measure in terms of years. I was living in a small town in Oregon called Castle Roc...
Every time I make a new game, I put all of my effort completely into that game. It's like putting all your effort into a new child that's being born. Once the project is done, I can step back and look at it objectively, which is when I can see a lot ...
Max: How do you like being a lawyer? Annie: What are you, psychic? Max: Little bit. There's the dark pin-stripe suit, elegant, not too flashy, that rules out advertising, plus a top-drawer briefcase that you live out of. And the purse. A Bottega. Any...
David Kleinfeld: Hey Louie... Louie, your fuckin' chick's givin' you a handjob right in front of everybody. I got guests here, for christsake. People are eating. Louie: Take it easy, Dave. David Kleinfeld: No-you take it easy. You got any manners? Yo...
Sergeant Al Powell: [about McClane] In fact, I think he's a cop. Maybe not LAPD, but he's definitely a badge. Dwayne T. Robinson: How do you know that? Sergeant Al Powell: A hunch, things he said. Like being able to spot a phony ID. Dwayne T. Robinso...
Peter Taylor: [embracing after being reunited] You're only gonna fuck it up again, aren't you? Brian Clough: I love you, you know. Peter Taylor: I know. But it won't stop you. Brian Clough: So would you sooner go through it all without me? Peter Tayl...
[trying to convince a group of rebels that he's letting them escape] John Preston: Go. Go, damn you! [sees another rebel being shot and knows this group will be next] John Preston: Get out of here, God damn it! If you don't, you're dead! Rebel: Don't...
[Lt. Farman offers the brilliant but innocent Altaira some sugar for her coffee] Altaira: But you keep helping me. After all, you're not Robby. Lt. Farman: [chuckles] I wouldn't mind being Robby in certain ways. Uh, that's only in *certain* ways, of ...
Tom Hagen: When I meet with Tattaglia's men, should I insist all their drug middlemen have clean records? Don Corleone: Mention it, don't insist. But Barzini will know that without being told. Tom Hagen: You mean Tattaglia... Don Corleone: Tattaglia ...
Patrick Kenzie: I couldn't stop running it over and over and over in my mind. The vague and distant suspicion that we never understood what happened that night; what our role was. Or maybe it was just like the hundreds of other children who disappear...
[about the unrest in Cuba] Michael Corleone: I saw a strange thing today. Some rebels were being arrested. One of them pulled the pin on a grenade. He took himself and the captain of the command with him. Now, soldiers are paid to fight; the rebels a...
Ricky Roma: I'm going to tell you something. Your life is your own. You have a contract with your wife? You have certain things you do jointly? Bond there. And there are other things, and those things are yours. And you needn't feel ashamed, you need...
Howl: [Quietly amused] Calcifer? You're being so obedient. Calcifer: Not on purpose! She bullied me! Howl: Not just anybody can do that. [Looks at Sophie] Howl: And you are... who? Old Sophie: Er, You can just call me Grandma Sophie. I'm your new cle...