Self-development is a way of Life. Our Self-Development never ends. We are never too young or too old for personal growth. We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships. Unfortun...
I tell you as well as myself: what we see with our own eyes is nothing other than a cloud concealing what we should perceive with our inner sight, while what we listen to with our ears is merely a ringing sound disturbing what we should understand wi...
At any given point you can release your greatest self. Don’t let anyone hold you back. Don’t let anyone dilute you. Don’t be peer pressured into being less than you are. People willing to dilute themselves for the sake of others is one of the g...
[last lines] Professor Levy: [voiceover] We are all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions. Moral choices. Some are on a grand scale. Most of these choices are on lesser points. But! We define ourselves by the choices we have made. We ar...
Hauser: Howdy, Quaid. If you're watching this, that means that Kuato is dead, and you led us to him. I knew that you wouldn't let me down. Sorry for all of the shit I've put you through, but hey, what are friends are for? All I want to do is wish you...
And the tree was happy
Enjoy- Its the Mantra of Life.
Life, an age to the miserable, and a moment to the happy.
Happiness [is] only real when shared
I'm happy to feed the illusion that I'm a lazy recluse.
I survive on moments of make-believe happiness.
It is necessary to hope... for hope itself is happiness.
No man is happy but by comparison.
Contentment is the only one substitute for happiness.
When I was younger, I was always described as happy-go-lucky.
I know everyone in the Philippines is happy.
Love is the desire for another's happiness.
Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember.
I hope we will be able to have a happy family ourselves.
Happiness never lays its finger on its pulse.
Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.