An effort made for the happiness of others lifts above ourselves.
For me, love is happiness and inspiration.
Happiness is ideal, it is the work of the imagination.
But it is my happiness to be half Welsh, and that the better half.
The arrival of any child brings you a lot of happiness.
To me, the most important thing is happiness.
To describe happiness is to diminish it.
A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose.
I think happiness is love.
I look great because I'm happy.
If you hope for happiness in the world, hope for it from God, and not from the world.
I'm still happy, I like this life.
I'm such a happy, easygoing person.
I am healthy and happy.
With Love and Actions there will be Happiness.
Happiness is the gap between loving and longing.
The purpose of life is not success, but happiness is.
Happiness is a perceptual reality, not an absolute certainty.
I was never very happy at school.
Peace and happiness are powerful weapons against the Egos.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination