Being in a floodplain is like sitting down in a bathtub.
The petitioner's problem is to avoid Scylla without being drawn into Charybdis.
America does not like people being not nice to dogs.
For me, being memorable is more important than winning.
I started out being a really, really liberal Democrat.
I appreciate very much being injury-free.
Being a writer is a good, good thing.
Being single is not as bad as everyone likes to make it seem!
I'm no longer interested in being in big commercial films.
Being a father is a surprise for me every day.
For me, dreaming is simply being pragmatic.
The glamour of being forbidden must not be underestimated.
Whatever labels are being pinned on me have nothing to do with me.
The way of war was the invention of heavenly beings.
I am not insecure about being a journalist.
You use and lose a lot of energy being grumpy.
Being in several, disparate bands is what I thrive on.
Actors enjoy being treated as ordinary people.
I don't much mind being expelled from communities.
I like being a 10-year-old kid who's in charge.
I consider my teenage years as being desperately unhappy.