You can write any time people will leave you alone and not interrupt you. Or rather you can if you will be ruthless enough about it. But the best writing is certainly when you are in love.
Ew, sicko. I was practicing Edomic." "Sure you were," Jason said. "You're just too embarrassed to admit you were playing hide-and-seek all alone. Rachel hiding, nobody seeking.
You might as well be happy in WHO you’re, WHAT you have and WHERE you live. Joy and contentment is not found in possessions, people, places or professions. Christ alone is our sufficiency, and Christ is everywhere.
There was a footpath leading across fields to New Southgate, and I used to go there alone to watch the sunset and contemplate suicide. I did not, however, commit suicide, because I wished to know more of mathematics.
A pine tree standeth lonely In the North on an upland bare; It standeth whitely shrouded With snow, and sleepeth there. It dreameth of a Palm tree Which far in the East alone, In the mournful silence standeth On its ridge of burning stone.
Like an empty bucket, my soul rings hollow when empty vibrates with emptiness … hollow sound of loneliness. Every cell in my body does not want to be alone. My loneliness is frightening … an all consuming thought.
A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams, or your dignity....I would rather be alone with dignity than in a relationship that requires me to sacrifice my self respect.
This is the true measure of love: when we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us.
I spent a lot of time on farms when I was growing up, and I've been obsessed with the practical logic of farmyards - the turning radius of tractors, where the chickens and ducks might go. It's not a place where stand-alone aesthetic decisions make a ...
Timothy Cavendish: Outside, fat snow flakes are falling on slate roofs and granite walls. Like Solzhenitsyn, labouring in Vermont, I shall beaver away in exile. Unlike Solzhenitsyn, I shan't be alone.
Benjamin Button: My name is Benjamin Button, and I was born under unusual circumstances. While everyone else was agin', I was gettin' younger... all alone.
Seth Brundle: [his last words before his final transformation] We'll be the ultimate family. A family of three joined together in one body. More human than I am alone.
Jake Fratelli: You know Sloth if you sit too close to the TV you're going hurt your eyes. Sloth: [grunting] Eh! Francis Fratelli: Jake leave him alone.
Walt Kowalski: Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone.
Harry: Where did he go? Marv: Maybe he committed suicide. Kevin McCallister: I'm over here you big horse's ass, come and get me before I call the police.
Linnie McCallister: Listen, Kevin, what are you so worried about? You know Mom's gonna pack your stuff anyway. You're what the French call "les incompetents". Kevin McCallister: What?
Kevin McCallister: Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association? Clerk: Well, I don't know. It doesn't say, hon. Kevin McCallister: Well, could you please find out?
Kevin McCallister: Did anyone order me a plain cheese? Buzz McCallister: Yeah, we did. But if you want any, somebody's gonna have to barf it all up, 'cause it's gone.
Frank McCallister: There's no way on earth we can make this plane. It leaves in 45 minutes. Peter McCallister: Think positive, Frank! Frank McCallister: You be positive. I'll be realistic.
Peter McCallister: The only flying that I ever did as a kid was in the family station wagon. It wasn't to France. We used to have to go over to Aunt Laura and Uncle Arthur's house.
Charlotte Lucas: Count your blessings, Lizzie. If he liked you you'd have to talk to him. Elizabeth Bennet: Precisely. As it is, I wouldn't dance with him for all of Derbyshire, let alone the miserable half!