I'm afraid of the dark, so I have a lot of night-lights.
I'm not afraid of the press or the Militia.
If you're afraid to be alone, you are alone.
I'm afraid of people, in a way.
Don't be afraid of your dreams.
Always do what you are afraid to do.
Don't be afraid to see what you see.
If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron.
I'm not afraid to take a swing and miss.
I'm not afraid to look bad on the screen.
I'm afraid of needles, except acupuncture needles.
To be afraid is to behave as if the truth were not true.
People think I should be a success, but I'm afraid of it.
Men who are in earnest are not afraid of consequences.
I'm not afraid to say I'm competitive.
I am undeniably afraid of the dark!
I am a foodie. I'm not afraid to say it.
I'm not a type of feminist who is afraid to be sexy.
Be afraid of nothing but be aware of everything.
I'm strong and fearless and not afraid to take risks in business.
I was afraid of the internet... because I couldn't type.