In order to be successful, Teenagers need to be practical as challenges they are faceing in modern life are numerous and complex.
As a teenager I was clinically depressed. Although I had lots of friends, I found those years very difficult.
I was a Knicks fan of the Kenny Sears-Carl Braun-Jim Baechtold vintage. I was even their ball boy when I was a teenager.
I was signed when I was 19 years old, in 1980. I went to Germany and France. Seeing the world at that time was just an awesome experience for a teenager.
When I was a teenager, my parents made me take a part-time job at the local Black Eyed Pea, which was a home-cooked-food family restaurant.
Well Bill Martin and Mike Schiff were the creators and they knew we had to do a family show. Everybody came at it from the angle of having been a kid and a teenager.
I very rarely listen to music in my car - a lot of people make fun of me for it. But sometimes I listen to music on YouTube. I'm like a teenager.
My dad is a big dreamer, so I got that from him. Golf was my main thing when I was a teenager, and that's what I wanted to do.
I was an only child for 15 years and then this lovely present, Fred, came along. It was great - it meant I had my teenage years with a little one around.
I always wrote poetry as a teenager and it was always so dark, but it made me feel good to get it out.
Not a lot of people know this, but I'm very good at mathematics. When I was an angry teenager, I used to sit in my room and do quadratic equations to calm myself down.
As a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.
Remember that as a teenager you are in the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear the phone is for you.
The area of teenage life is not necessarily rarefied; we've all gone through that period. It's not as rarefied as a western or a space adventure or a gangster film, but it has its own dynamic.
I listened to country music my whole life. I started writing music when I was a teenager. It all came out country.
I was not tormented in any way; I was never even bullied. I had a nice teenage life.
Aretha Franklin was a teenage mom, a musician who came from an incredibly Christian background, but there was a lot of love, which is really inspiring in a feminist way.
I wanted to be a martial arts film star when I was a teenager.
Pubescent girls, it seems, are manifestly more likely to exhibit extreme and bizarre psychological symptoms than are teenage boys.
America has always had tinkerers, including just about any teenager who ever hot-rodded a Camaro.
I'm going to be in another city when my kids are teenagers. I'll be like, 'Give me a call when you're done with all that.'