Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.
Life is a barter of choice and consequences.
Moments. All gathering towards this one.
What are we, if not an accumulation of our memories?
Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.
The art market was very different before the mid-1980s: then, art was all about passion, whereas now it's become a commodity.
Always liquor before you poker
Be just before you are generous.
You have to be somebody before you can share yourself.
We must be our own before we can be another's.
Nothing like a bit of 'The Best of Times' before prancing around on stage.
I was an actor for over a year before I ever saw a play.
Tina Fey could run this country before Sarah Palin could!
I can remember Doris Day before she was a virgin.
Before I die, I want to fight for life.
I've been to Sundance before, but I'd never seen a lot of screenings.
There is not a job I've held in my career that was held by a woman before me.
You must see first before you can believe.
You must embrace change before change erases you.
Dig your well before you're thirsty.
I never knew how to do anything before I did it, really.