If we care about the children, the grandchildren, the future generations, we need to make sure that they do not become the cannon fodder of the future.
There comes a time in the history of nations when their peoples must become fully reconciled to their past if they are to go forward with confidence to embrace their future.
It's funny how you get a bit older and become more accepting of things. When you're in your twenties, you're skeptical of everything. I definitely felt like that.
Every milieu has something ridiculous about it - film-making, the music world, painting - because people who take themselves seriously become funny pretty quickly.
Humor has become so cliche and boring that nothing's funny anymore unless it involves something totally disgusting that offends somebody or makes them feel really uncomfortable.
Man can acquire accomplishments or he can become an animal, whichever he wants. God makes the animals, man makes himself.
God is patient with us to become the God's children he wants us to be but you really can see him weeping.
Foreign Ministry guys don't become agents. Party officials, the Foreign Ministry nerds, tend not to volunteer to Western intelligence agencies.
When the conscious mind expands to embrace deeper levels of thinking, the thought wave becomes more powerful and results in added energy and intelligence.
You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a valuable person. You become valuable because of the knowledge that you have. And that doesn't mean you won't fail sometimes. The important thing is to keep trying.
Patricia Nixon gave up a career to become a political wife. She rose to the pinnacle of glory and then fell to disgrace because of deeds over which she had neither control nor knowledge.
Technical knowledge has now become an integral aspect of the Iranian psyche.
And it has become a kind of a truism in the study of creativity that you can't be creating anything with less than 10 years of technical knowledge immersion in a particular field.
A knowledge of the forces that rule society, of the causes that have produced its upheavals, and of society's resources for promoting healthy progress has become of vital concern to our civilization.
What's increasingly clear is that when you are open to a discussion of leadership, and you're relating it to your company, it is much easier to get people to become open.
Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.
If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.
Dealing with the fame and going from nothing and becoming something where everyone wants a piece of you, your life changes in a day.
Dreaming means 'rehearsing' what you see, playing it over and over in your mind until it becomes as real to you as your life right now.
The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, and this you will become.
We need do no more than repeat: only under communism does the individual become himself and lead his own life.