Colorado Ryan: How'd you come out with Burdette? John T. Chance: He wanted to talk to his brother. Colorado Ryan: What'd he have to say? John T. Chance: Nothing. Colorado Ryan: You mean he didn't say anything? John T. Chance: Why are you so intereste...
John Mooney: Are you disappointed? Charlie: Disappointed? Why should I be disappointed? I got rose bushes didn't I? I got a used car, didn't I? This other guy, what'd you call him? John Mooney: The beneficiary. Charlie: Yeah him, he got $3,000,000 bu...
Marlene Lauda: Who are you, should I know you? Giovanni: What, you don't know? He's Niki Lauda: Formula One driver and he just signed with Ferrari. Marlene Lauda: Him? Giovanni, Andrea Italian Passenger: Yes! Marlene Lauda: Impossible. Giovanni: [Su...
Dr. Alice Howland: Hi, Alice. I'm you. And I have something very important to say to you. Huh... I guess you've reached that point when you can answer any of your questions. So this is the next logical step. I'm sure of it. Because what's happening t...
Charles Bushman: Now... On the third day, I washed her. She wasn't too clean. I got all the right spots. She's the only one I kept for a certain amount of time, because I got a real short attention span. Now, I can't say she enjoyed her stay, but tha...
Warden: Did you enjoy God's latest gift? Teddy Daniels: What? Warden: God's gift. Your violence. [Daniels looks at him blankly] Warden: When I came downstairs in my home, and I saw that tree in my living room, it reached out for me... a divine hand. ...
Rex the Green Dinosaur: Mr. Lotso, do toys here get played with every day? Lotso: All day long! Five days a week. Jessie: But what happens when the kids grow up? Lotso: Well now, I'll tell you. [Lotso walks over to a wall with class photos from past ...
[Opening line and sentences as movie started] Narrator: And God said Let there be light, and there was light. And from this light, God created life upon earth. And man was given diminion over all things upon this earth and the power to choose betweem...
Richter: You wanted to see me sir. Vilos Cohaagen: Richter, you know why I'm such a happy person? Richter: No, sir. Vilos Cohaagen: Because I have one of the greatest jobs in the solar system. As long as the turbinium keeps flowing, I can do anything...
Woody: [through his voice box] Reach for the sky! Sid Phillips: Huh? Woody: This town ain't big enough for the two of us! Sid Phillips: What? Woody: Somebody's poisoned the waterhole! Sid Phillips: It's busted. Woody: Who are you calling busted, Bust...
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: You used to hang around with Doug MacRay a little bit, huh? Krista Coughlin: How do you know Dougy? FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: We sorta worked together. Krista Coughlin: Sand and Gravel? FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: No. No. [pulls out so...
[first lines] Evey Hammond: [voiceover] Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot... But what of the man? I know his name was Guy Fawkes and I know, ...
Damien: How many British soldiers in the country, Tim? Tim: Too many. Damien: How many? Teddy: About ten thousand, Damien. Damien: Ten Thousand. Tans, artillery units, machine-gun car, cavalry... Teddy: And many more besides. What's your point, Damie...
Johnny Cash: You know what your problem is, June Carter? You are afraid to be in love, you are afraid of losing control, And you know what June Carter, I think you are afraid of livin' in my big fat shadow. June Carter: Oh really? Is that what my pro...
Old Man: As the pattern gets more intricate and subtle, being swept along is no longer enough. Boat Car Guy: Man this must be like... parallel universe night. You know that cat that was just in here? Just ran out the door? Well, he comes up to the co...
Magneto: His name is Colonel William Stryker, and he invaded your mansion for one purpose: he wanted Cerebro, or enough of it to build one of his own. Dr. Jean Grey: But that doesn't make any sense. Stryker would need the Professor to operate it. Mag...
Guido: Could you walk out on everything and start all over again? Could you choose one single thing, and be faithful to it? Could you make it the one thing that gives your life meaning... just because you believe in it? Could you do that?" Claudia: I...
Brad Dupree: I'm sure you can understand the need to cut corners around here. Lester Burnham: Sure. Times are tight, and you need to free up cash. Gotta spend money to make money. Brad Dupree: Exactly. Lester Burnham: Like when our editorial di...
Charlie Kaufman: [voice-over] I am pathetic, I am a loser... Robert McKee: So what is the substance of writing? Charlie Kaufman: [voice-over] I have failed, I am panicked. I've sold out, I am worthless, I... What the fuck am I doing here? What the fu...
Patrick Bateman: I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my fac...
Craig McDermott: If they have a great personality and they're not great looking... then who fucking cares? Patrick Bateman: Well, let's just say hypotetically ok? What if they have a great personality? [pause, all laugh] Patrick Bateman: I know, I kn...