Birthday, celebration of life. Celebrate who you are. Celebrate your uniqueness. Celebrate your achievement. Celebrate all that you are capable of becoming.
Birthday, Birthday, Birthday! Celebrate your day of birth, no matter the circumstances of your birth. Be thankful and joyful for the gift of life on this divine day.
Conception is a blessed event. Fertilization is divine intervention. The development of embryo is a miraculous encounter. The birth of a child is supernatural spiritual event.
When I was a child, I thought like a child. When I became adult, I seek a deeper understanding of life.
When you focus on your travel path, you will observe a divine power, guiding every step of the journey.
Your opinions about me does not change who I am. I am God’s special possession.
Once I am alive, I still have the chance to live rightly for the rest of my life.
Why compete with others? Each individual has a unique gifts and role to perform. We must learn to complement each other.
It is possible for you to realise your dream as a scientist, you must be a passionate learner and curious enough to seek this wonderful career path.
You have to choose your path. You have to decide what you wish to do. You are the only person that can determine your destiny.
It is better to experience moment of discomfort in the achievement of your dreams than to be comfortable without accomplishing your dreams.
You can never know how far you can go until you have attempt a great task.
We must experience Heaven on earth; May your homes, surroundings and work places portray a safe clean environment.
MENTOR signifies: M = Motivator E = Empowers N = Nurture T = Teacher O = Originator R = Role model
I am so thankful to God for His daily provisions, grace, strength, protection, guidance and blessing.
In times of solitude, I have find rest for my soul and uphold the glory of inner peace.
Happiness is a state of mental,physical and spiritual well-being. Think pleasantly,engaged sport and read daily to enhance your well-being.
Because 'You're perfect just the way you are,' is what your guidance counselor says. And she's an alcoholic.
New Maxi-Pad Pets. Accessories for your period. Brought to you by The Corporation: In your homes and in your pants.
The failures and disappointment we sometimes encounter should never stop us from trying again. The lessons are valuable for what lies ahead.
My love, you are always on my mind. I love you so much.