Make every day a positive day. Make it joyful and beautiful in every way.
Celebrate every moment, every day. Celebrate every beauty, all the way.
Beauty can make you powerful in a way that isn't good for you. Being OK is better for the person I have become.
I really like where Tony Robbins says that we're all hypnotized to see beauty this one specific way, and it's true.
I think we have become obsessed with beauty and personally I'm really saddened by the way women mutilate their faces today in search of that.
What I loved about 'Summer' was that they were these four bright kids with a wonderful future. In a way, she was the one with the brains, and then you have the beauty queen and the jock and the introvert.
I know I'm not a woman's fantasy man; I don't have to uphold this image of male beauty, so that's kind of a relief in a way.
I found a beautiful lane called " I know nothing" . it leads it way ; all you got to do is walk in it.
In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.
I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it.
Music is a powerful tool in galvanizing people around an issue. There's no better way to get your point across than to put it in a beautiful song.
Beautiful people are blessed by god and those who love them. Beautiful people are loved by everyone. Beautiful people love and Forgive. Beautiful people don't Sin by heart. Beautiful people are beautiful from within. I am Beautiful, Strong and Proud ...
It's not as if we're running a hospital for sick children down here, let's put it that way. Where's the nobility in patching up a bunch of old tables and chairs? Corrosive to the soul, quite possibly. I've seen too many estates not to know that. Idol...
Why should her lover, just because he is male, be in a position to judge her against other women? Why must she need to know her position and hate needing to, and hate knowing? Why should his reply have such exaggerated power? And it does. He does not...
And the way you lost your temper!" went on Wallis enthusiastically. "Oh, Mr. Allan, it was beautiful! You haven't been more than to say snarly since the accident! It was so like the way you used to throw hair-brushes--
By taking good care of your posture now, you will enjoy and savor lifelong health benefits and beauty.
I think portraying human beings trying to hold on to their humanity against pretty much certain odds that they'll die horribly in some way someday, and that they'll face horrible things along the way, I don't know - I think that's a beautiful thing. ...
It is not possible to make great buildings, or great towns, beautiful places, places where you feel yourself, places where you feel alive, except by following this way. And, as you will see, this way will lead anyone who looks for it to buildings whi...
It's the best way of telling the truth; it's a process of producing grand, beautiful, well-ordered lies that tell more truth than any assemblage of facts. Beyond that … [it's] delight in, and play with, language; also, a curiously intimate way of c...
The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.
Personally I think that grammar is a way to attain beauty.