Sexiness wears thin after awhile and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that is a treat.
A white cloth falls on your heart; How beautiful you are - The winter loves us, because only lovers have a pure heart.
I don't think we'll ever lose the desire for people to tell stories or to hear stories or to be entrapped in a beautiful story.
What a more beautiful world this would be if we didn't wait til people were dead before we honored their spirit.
Ridley was like a beautiful snake - you couldn't let her get close without the risk of being bitten.
I was fortunate enough to visit a lot of beautiful places around the world. The most astonishing and memorable experiences were my trips to Africa and Australia.
I used to suffer from a lot of regret while touring. Regret at having to leave certain places, people and situations, or just a beautiful day.
There is no beauty in sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It’s just a waste of perfectly good happiness.
I have a beautiful Hellenistic gold and garnet ring - it's more than 2,200 years old, but it looks very modern.
A Broken Record can still play the best soundtrack. Broken can be beautiful when you allow God work on you.
I first started writing fiction in college because I was attracted to beautiful sentences. I loved to read them. I wanted to write them.
Young people must appreciate the beauty of old age. The old people were once young.
I did some artistic nudes when I was I 8 with a French-Canadian photographer while I was modeling. They were beautiful shots, and they were not about nudity.
Some persons have ventured to say that it is only since Englishmen ceased to believe in the Bible that they began to discover how beautiful it was.
Like I've said many times before, I'm always more likely to remember goals for their importance rather than if they're beautiful or not. Goals scored in finals, for example.
I was on a beach in Hawaii for a video shoot once, and it was incredibly beautiful. It had very fine black sand with a silver sparkle running through it.
You can't rely on how you look to sustain you, what sustains us, what is fundamentally beautiful is compassion; for yourself and for those around you.
I live by Edith Wharton's rule to get rid of anything neither useful nor beautiful. So I put the TV out on the street.
Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it's okay to lose. I don't. You have to be merciless.
If someone tells you you're not beautiful, turn around and walk away so they can have a great view of your fabulous ass.
Angels only care about what you look like on the inside. A pure heart is the vessel that contains a soul's true beauty.