No matter what a woman's appearance may be, it will be used to undermine what she is saying and taken to individualize - as her personal problem - observations she makes about the beauty myth in society.
Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar.
My quick beauty tip is always have a tinted gloss of some kind to give you some color even if you have no makeup on.
Here in L.A. the standard of beauty is kind of ridiculous. I want to be doing this when I'm in my fifties and sixties and this isn't what I'm going to look like.
Look at the history of literature, and you find the history of beauty on the one hand and the IOUs on the other.
'The Sleeping Beauty' is the greatest, most challenging and most vulnerable of classical ballets. Everything can go wrong with it, and all too often, everything does.
I think of myself as a very ordinary person. I like writing about the juxtaposition between people: the beauty of them at times and then the banal, everyday context in which we find ourselves.
I am obsessed with beauty. I want everything to be perfect, and of course it isn't. And that's a tough place to be because you're never satisfied.
Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail.
I've developed into quite a swan. I'm one of those people that will probably look better and better as I get older until I drop dead of beauty.
I used to wear a lot of red lipstick, and when I got a pimple, I'd cover it up with eyeliner to turn it into a beauty mark.
The truth is, I just don't have the drive to be the prettiest and the thinnest. I can be happy for other people for their beauty.
Because beauty will be so readily accessible, and skin color and features will be similar, prejudices based on physical features will be nearly eradicated. Prejudice will be socioeconomically based.
I think the 1970s will always be the decade for me. Obviously, I grew up in that era, but the beauty standard was touchable, kissable.
At some point in life the world's beauty becomes enough. You don't need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough.
It is very necessary to have markers of beauty left in a world seemingly bent on making the most evil ugliness.
Beauty is only skin deep, but it's a valuable asset if you're poor or haven't any sense.
Even if you play perfectly, a fault of your opponent's can destroy the entire beauty of the game.
I don't care how many beauty treatments you have, I don't care which bag you're carrying - you have to have a dress.
It's no fun for an actor to keep repeating what you did before. It's always changing. I'm changing. The target keeps moving. That's the beauty of it.
In marriage do thou be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body; then thou hast a wife, a friend, a companion, a second self.