You are unique with special skills for a specific mission on earth.
It was a really beautiful view, and Brida recalled that spirits preferred such places.
You could appreciate the beauty of the world by trying to paint it.
Something with inner beauty will live forever, like the scent of a rose.
This is what a woman is: unadorned, after children and work and age, and experience-these are the marks of living.
People get devalued in Hollywood when they age, despite all their efforts to stay relevant and beautiful and young. They can't get jobs anymore.
People pay to see movies with women looking beautiful, but I think there will be a place for me to play women looking my own age.
Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age - as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.
If I could have gone on describing to you the beauties of this region, who knows but I might have made a fine addition to the literature of our age?
Surely being a Professional Beauty - let alone an ageing one - is one of the most insecure and doomed careers imaginable.
Comics are so full of amazing work. And I can't look at a drawing of a woman without thinking of, for instance, Wallace Wood and his amazing way of capturing beauty.
I love walking along Leith's waterfront and wandering around some of New Town's beautiful streets and squares, with their gorgeous Georgian architecture.
Every one who has a heart, however ignorant of architecture he may be, feels the transcendent beauty and poetry of the mediaeval churches.
Art is about expressing the true nature of the human spirit in whatever way one wishes to express it. If it is honest, it is beautiful. If it is not honest, it is obvious.
Fashion, for me, is anything that's aesthetic and beautiful. Art, food, film. It's something that I appreciate and really like.
Embrace beautiful lies - the chronic insanity of the sane
I want something good to die for. . . to make it beautiful to live.
There is such beauty in the fight to live. We must all find the courage to go on.
All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.
Your beauty took my breath away, but your mind has stopped my heart.
Even now, I still believe metamorphosis is the greatest beauty.