The best gift you can give me is a book.
Life begins at the day of birth. Birthday is a great day of honour.
May God guide you along the best pathway for your life.
The more I pray, the more I feel God's comfort.
The more we rely on God, the better our lives will be.
Prayer is a great opportunity to receive grace from God.
We are endowed with different kinds of gifts for different kinds of services.
Heavenly Father, let there be light in every dark corner.
May grace abound to you; you overcome any challenging situation.
Confess your sins, pray towards the Heavens and be set free from all bondages.
Never look down upon yourself. You are special with special gift.
God created you to be in the world. You are in the world to fulfil a specific mission.
Fulfilling your special calling brings the greatest happiness.
This is my calling. This is my destiny. I am living my dreams.
Keep dreaming, you must never stop dreaming.
Be of good cheer, your visions will be fulfilled at their own time.
Be of good cheer, your visions will be fulfilled in their own time.
May God continue to grant you more grace for your work.
Blessed are you, all who put your hope and trust in the Lord.
May you overflow with love, hope and joy of knowing the Saviour.
Unto us Saviour is born at Christmas. The love and light of the World.