Beauty awakens the soul to act.
Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand.
Physical beauty isn't so impressive to me.
Beauty is not caused. It is.
Playing guitar is not a beauty contest.
I am a thing of beauty.
Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest.
Depression opens the door to beauty of some kind.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
Who would not give up wit for power and beauty?
Beauty without expression is boring.
Love is the beauty of the soul.
Beauty is boring because it is predictable.
Life is magically beautiful. And it brings you what is perfect.
My life is a beautiful struggle.
Benedict Cumberbatch is very beautiful.
Beauty is not in complexity but it's in simplicity.
Love brightens the beauty of the heart.
Avner: It will be beautiful.
Beauty is an advantage, smile is guarantee.
Freedom to be oneself is all very well; the greater freedom is not to be oneself.