I could still see that Pauline was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever met, but of the ancient fire which had caused me to bung my heart at her feet that night at the Plaza there remained not a trace. Analysing this, if analyzing is the word I...
The most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us.
Beauty is beautiful. That’s the beauty of beauty.
A husband should not talk of pretty girls in front of his wife.
Even the devil's grandmother was a nice girl when she was young.
Patience is the most beautiful prayer.
Beautiful face doesn't makes your heart beautiful, But a beautiful heart always projects you as a beautiful person.
What is beautiful enchants me. I mean not just physical beauty but a wider concept of beauty. There is beauty in poetry and in great musical or singing performances. There is beauty everywhere if you can just see it.
Beauty is also submitted to the taste of time, so a beautiful woman from the Belle Epoch is not exactly the perfect beauty of today, so beauty is something that changes with time.
If you can visualize the whole of spring and see Paradise with the eye of belief, you may understand the utter majesty of everlasting Beauty. If you respond to that Beauty with the beauty of belief and worship, you will be a most beautiful creature.
A lovely girl attracts attention by her good looks, an ugly girl by the help of a mirror.
A beautiful poem is like a beautiful sky and a beautiful sky is like a beautiful poem!
Do not confuse beauty with beautiful. Beautiful is a human judgment. Beauty is All. The difference is everything.
A beautiful thing is never perfect.
Sam: Nicole, tomorrow Mr. Stephens wants you to make your deposition at the community center. Thought I'd take you over. Nicole: Great. Sam: You seem, uh, I don't know. Distant, I guess. Hard to talk to. Nicole: We didn't used to have to talk a lot, ...
That she lived a lie. That she wasn't the good girl everyone believed her to be, wanted her to be.
I don't even pursue girls anymore. I mean, I could obviously still pursue girls. It's not like I can't. But I don't have to pursue girls anymore. Girls come to me.
I was never pretty enough to be the pretty girl and I was never quirky enough to be the quirky girl. Boys didn't look at me in high school and think I was the pretty girl.
Playing good girls in the 30s was difficult, when the fad was to play bad girls. Actually I think playing bad girls is a bore; I have always had more luck with good girl roles because they require more from an actress.
What do I like in a girl? I like a girl that likes me, a girl that knows how to smile and see the bright side of things. A girl that makes me a better person.
Classically posh girls like Victoria Hervey are now trying to be Hollywood girls. Hollywood girls are trying to be posh girls. Everything is all mixed up, turned on its head.