Pursue your dreams with all your might and soul.
Whenever you receive a vision, quickly act on the vision.
Our stories hold unique inspiration for one another.
Keep taking new action, new path and new adventures.
Love God for who He is, not because He answers your prayers.
When in doubt, seek guidance from God.
What kind of person doesn't let you have gummi bears?
Touched by an act of kindness, be kind to others.
You have enough grace for each day task.
What is your vision of ideal world?
Spring time is a time for revival of every living thing.
May you find the right path to your destination.
Fight for what you want. Never allow anything to distract you.
Age is only a state of mind. You are as young as you think.
The most amazing journey on earth is the journey of oneself.
We acquire insightful lessons of life in moments of failure than success.
May your star point the best pathways for your life.
Look beyond now.The road ahead offers a good voyage.
Sound soul; commence and end your day with meditation.
You have the ability to control your thoughts.
Great thoughts by great people transform the World.