Every song that I've done is me in one way or another.
No one sells a song better than the person that wrote it.
Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom?
The song in me for you is forever musical
We play our Irish songs a bit more loosely.
Singing songs that make you slit your wrists
I can't be bothered anymore about giving songs titles.
I like duos with percussionists. I like the songs that percussionists sing.
Not necessarily, a lot of my songs are firmly tongue in cheek.
The only one I really like is a song called Saccharine.
I always try to give my songs as gifts.
I'm enjoying writing songs that are more stripped back.
Be silent and listen to the song of your soul.
There is no poetry or song. There is no short or long. There is only you.
There are some Rolling Stones songs that are just stunners.
Each time I play a song it seems more real.
[on stage during the song] All: Springtime for Hitler and Germany.
People relate to me, and I try to make songs that make people smile.
I love writing songs. I'm a songwriter.
Usually, I cut songs by other people that are artists that I already love.
I love my songs, let's not get crazy here.