Unless you allow yourself to seek your inner depths; the surfacial affairs of life shall always engross you in mundane Routines... Arise and stand apart... for true growth...
To fully accept someone or something, means that you understand yourself enough to trust your own judgement and intuition, with this understanding full acceptance is inevitable and the next step possible.
But really, why should you distress yourself? Whoever stirs up the past — out with his eye! Who is not a sinner before God and to blame before the Tsar, as the saying is?
The only thing that restrains you is , Anton Gorodetsky. For yourself, or for people—that's not important. But we are restrained by . And that is why we observe the Treaty.
Do something,get something. Do nothing,get nothing. Doing is the beginning of being. Being is the beginning of achieving. Achieving is the essence of living and living is the spices of life
You will need people who know what u don’t, who have what u don’t have, people who have done what u have not for they are better prepared
You can let yourself off the hook anytime you want, Liz. That's the divine contract of a little something we call free will.
The world we live in might not be free from pain, but you have the ability to create for yourself a world free from struggle.
There are so many mistakes you can learn only by making them yourself. There is no substitute for experience.
Don't try to steer the boat. Don't open shop for yourself. Listen. Keep silent. You are not God's mouthpiece. Try to be an ear, And if you do speak, ask for explanations.
As it is, the vital question you should be asking is not what I am, but what you yourself are.
There is nothing shameful about loving yourself. The shame is in NOT loving the unique and brilliant individual that you are.
Don't let yourself slip and get any perfect characters... keep them people, people, people, and don't let them get to be symbols.
There is no pressure to perform, to succeed, because we already have. If your family and community accepts you, who else must you impress? Just yourself and God, ja?
There is something immensely scary about putting yourself out there for people to love or hate you, fan or pan you, review or screw you.
It was easy enough to kill yourself in a fit of despair. It was easy enough to play the martyr. It was harder to do nothing. To endure your life. To wait.
Forgiveness is beautiful and it feels good when someone gives that gift to you. But it’s one thing for someone you wronged to forgive you. It was another to forgive yourself.
Sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself who’s really stupid, the guys who stop and pick you up, or you, for being out here in the first place?" - excerpt from: freefalling
Neil said to me once that in times of desperation, you have to force yourself to make a decision. It's your choice, he said. Us or them. So choose.
Sex is a commitment...Once you're there you can't go back to holding hands...and when you give yourself both mentally and physically...well, you're completely vulnerable.
It wasn’t playing both sides of the fence – it was betting against yourself but still playing to win – and it encapsulated everything absurd and paradoxical that I loved about the French.