Four months of preparation and about 12 hours of shooting turned into about 30 seconds of screen time.
The truth is that most small businesses will not succeed and you need to be emotionally prepared for this.
Officer Michaels: Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law!
'Grey's' is just a machine. I wasn't really prepared for the epic nature of how popular the show is.
I love writing but not crazy meticulous/prepared enough to be a director. I'd work as a gaffer on something.
As you get older, challenges arise that you aren't prepared for, but what got me through it was music.
Today, it is research with human embryonic stem cells and attempts to prepare cloned stem cells for research and medical therapies that are being disavowed as being ethically unacceptable.
I've learned the truth in these sayings: 'Luck is when opportunity meets preparation' and 'The right project will find you'.
You're never quite prepared for the inundation of stardom, or whatever you want to call it.
The amount of work you need to do to become a very successful celebrity is something I'm not prepared to do.
Right now I am preparing for another art exhibit in November in Palm Desert.
Sic vis pacem para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war.
OUr past doesn't define us. It prepares us.
To have full and multiple criteria is the best way to decide who is best prepared to be on that Olympic team.
The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.
This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what comes.
Simple ingredients prepared in a simple way - that's the best way to take your everyday cooking to a higher level.
I believe that reading widely is the best preparation for writing.
A lot of hard work has to go into your career, and preparation, and being your best at all times.
I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.
The greatest preparation for a TV show is to already have one season behind you.