It is impossible for one to become happy in life, if one keeps holding on to the thoughts and beliefs that caused one's misery in the first place.
Any thought that goes against your happiness or progress surely doesn't deserve a space in your mind.
The spirit of gratitude is definitely one of the main keys to happiness and constant growth. Every blessing needs to be celebrated and transformed into a motivation for more blessings.
Never allow anyone to convince you into believing that your weren't brought into this life to experience a life of massive success and unconditional happiness.
I challenge you to start focusing on the things that are good about your day instead of what is bad about it. Happiness is nothing but a state of mind.
Happiness is a feeling that can never be created without constantly reminding yourself about the things that are good in your life instead of the things that are bad about it.
They might not like your uniqueness, but as long as you are happy with your inner-self, you should never dare to change your life to please them.
If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires.
Something I learned when overcoming anxiety and depression was that I was not searching for happiness but for satisfaction with and in my life.
[Happiness is] a ghost, it’s a shadow. You can’t really chase it. It’s a by-product, a very pleasant side effect to a life lived well.
I had looked for happiness in fast living, but it was not there. I tried to find it in money, but it was not there either.
Happiness! There is no word with more meanings, each person understands it in his own way.
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.
A man who is right by your side through everything makes you happy. But he can leave your side to make dinner once in a while!
Happiness is not always reading the same page in the same book. Sometimes it is just wanting to hold the others book for them to read.
Disneyland is supposed to be the happiest place on Earth and I have to say when I'm riding around in that crazy Space Mountain ride I'm happy.
Remember, someone, somewhere in some corner of this somewhat big world, is out there crying if you’re unhappy and is happy if you are! And you know who that someone is!
You must be careful when you ask people whether they’re happy; it’s a question that can upset them a great deal.
I would like The Discovery of Poetry to be a field guide to the natural pleasures of language - a happiness we were born to have.
What makes me happy is having a really nice day out with my mum, or getting better at something I've been working hard at.
If a senator calls me up and asks me what should we do in Iraq, I'm happy to talk to him.