Withnail: I've got a bastard behind the eyes.
God, he was an evil bastard, but boy was he good!
Fucking bastards are simple by nature.
Miniture protoplasm, the dirty little bastard!
That bloody bastard! That thrice accursed son of a bitch!
Shaun: Get me... 'undred fags, two bottles of wine, a bottle of whisky, and ten cans of lager now. Mr. Sandhu: You know what you're gonna have? Nothing! Shaun: What? Mr. Sandhu: You know you're not supposed to be in here. Go. Out. Bang. Shaun: Just f...
Bastard Freedom waves Her fustian flag in mockery over slaves.
Papillon: Hey you bastards, I'm still here.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
One more cockeyed optimist thrown under the reality bus.
James Carstairs! Jem! Where are you, you disloyal bastard?
Depression is a lying bastard. You'll have better days, I promise you.
For it was intelligence that was the thin line between endearing rapscallion and idiot bastard. - Éibhear the Contemptible
It is possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard.
Wooley: Come on, you dumb bastards, come and get 'em!
Shang: [Runs at the soldiers] Bastards!
Nicholas Angel: Pack it in, Frank, you silly bastard!
The Judge: You think I'm a bastard? Valentine: Yes.
[repeated line] Pike Bishop: C'mon, you lazy bastard.
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
[Rob turns off Barry's tape] Barry: OK, buddy, uh, I was just tryin' to cheer us up so go ahead. Put on some old sad bastard music, see if I care. Rob: I don't wanna hear old sad bastard music, Barry, I just want something I can ignore. Barry: Here's...