I am grateful to realize that my desires do not entitle me to add to another's suffering.
Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful LifeSuccess is never achieved for when your think you reach it, something else grabs your interest.
Leading from the Gut: 3 Power Principles of Effective LeadersConfidence is that internal alignment between what you know, what you believe and what you portray.
Leading from the Gut: 3 Power Principles of Effective LeadersGreat Leadership sometimes requires taking a step backward in order to take a leap forward.
Leading from the Gut: 3 Power Principles of Effective LeadersBoredom is the inner conflict we suffer when we lose desire, when we lack a lacking.
Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of ScreenwritingNo civilization, including Plato's, has ever been destroyed because its citizens learned too much.
Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of ScreenwritingI have yet to hear God's audible voice, although I have often felt led by God in more subtle ways.
Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices & Priorities of a Winning Life