Love need not speak volumes. It need not demand proof. It never has a happy ending - simply because it doesn't end as long as love is pure and true”.
Last year, I made a refrigerator in my basement. And I needed to because I needed to figure how - you know there is no such thing as 'cold.' There is only less heat.
If you’re not smiling at yourself in the mirror, you probably need to check that the life you’re building is aligned to the life you dreamed for yourself. And if you’re not dreaming, you need to start dreaming.
everything you do doesn’t need praise. if you’re aware of your intention the glory is already yours. the constant need for acknowledgement and approval will divert your purpose.
We shouldn't be undermining Medicare for those who need it most in order to give more tax cuts to those who need them least.
You need not to love everyone, but you need to be polite with everyone, people will appreciate your politeness more than your love, because politeness is sweeter than love.
Charity is a fine thing if it's meeting a gap where needs must be met and there are no other resources. But in the long term we need to support people into helping themselves.
I was a corporate hatchet man, and it's impossible for me to turn that off. It's this curse when I walk into businesses: 'That needs to be fixed, that needs to be fixed.'
The greatest need of our age and of every age, the greatest need of every human heart, is to know the resources and sufficiency of God.
It could be that the methods needed to take the next step may simply be beyond present day mathematics. Perhaps the methods I needed to complete the proof would not be invented for a hundred years.
What we need to do in this PC world is forget about unanimity of speech and unanimity of thought and we need to concentrate on being respectful of those people with whom we disagree.
You can't build a strong personal brand by just posting status updates... people need more than that, they need valuable content, beyond updates and tweets.
I can't be bought. I don't need to be bought. I'm not a careerist. I don't need to have a career in politics. I'm in a very, very luxurious position, but I am in a position of strength.
A draft doesn't produce the people we need to satisfy our real manpower shortage. We need specialists to keep our jets flying.
The world needs a better understanding of how to encourage innovation. And innovators need to get better at it. Sign me up.
We don't need any self-help. We need our selves to stop helping those who don't let us be our true selves.
I don't need the most beautiful woman in the world I just need a woman who makes my world beautiful
You need to put drones under control; you need to lay out certain rules of engagement in order to prevent or minimize collateral casualties. It is extremely important.
Writing is a very lonely occupation. To write you need to concentrate, to concentrate you need to lock yourself away. No distractions; you want your stream of thought uninterrupted.
I know there is pain when sawmills close and people lose jobs, but we have to make a choice. We need water and we need these forests.
What we need in literature today are vast philosophic horizons; we need the most ultimate, the most fearsome, the most fearless 'Why?' and 'What next?' ("Literature, Revolution, and Entropy")