For me, baseball just brings up a lot of nostalgic, happy feelings because I enjoyed it as a kid, and I liked being out there playing in the sun, and it was a simpler time for all of us.
Tell me the truth - do you think I've lost my Southern accent? I feel it comes back to me only when I'm shouting at fights or at baseball games.
Mark: You build a baseball field, and you sit here, and stare at NOTHING.
Baseball is only a game, a game of inches and a lot of luck. During a time of all-out war, sports are very insignificant.
Believe it or not, I worked four summers in college as a sports writer covering baseball for a parks and rec department in Bayonne, N.J.
I don't really pretend to know what's going on, but I've been immersed in the excitement of watching sports, particularly football. I like baseball, probably more than football.
If I had to name the number one asset you could have for any sport I'd say speed. In baseball, all a guy with speed has to do is make contact.
People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.
It's a wonderful feeling to be a bridge to the past and to unite generations. The sport of baseball does that, and I am just a part of it.
Baseball is about talent, hard work, and strategy. But at the deepest level, it's about love, integrity, and respect.
I love baseball. I'll probably end up one of those old farts who go to spring training in Florida every year and drive from game to game all day.
You can talk about teamwork on a baseball team, but I'll tell you, it takes teamwork when you have 2,900 men stationed on the U.S.S. Alabama in the South Pacific.
Baseball is a red-blooded sport for red-blooded men. It's no pink tea, and mollycoddles had better stay out. It's a struggle for supremacy, a survival of the fittest.
It's a weird scene. You win a few baseball games and all of a sudden you're surrounded by reporters and TV men with cameras asking you about Vietnam and race relations.
I was looking for something like baseball, where there's a lot of data and the competition was pretty low. That's when I discovered politics.
Anyone interested in becoming a professional umpire and becoming eligible to work in the minor leagues must attend one of the two umpire schools sanctioned by Major League Baseball.
When I'm not at work, I put deep conditioner in my hair and wear a baseball cap. I'll just roll around on the off-days with goop in my hair, and then just rinse it out.
The debate analysis in the media is rampant with contest analogies of war, baseball, boxing, football; you name it. Any testosterone contest imaginable is fair game.
Deep down, it's all baseball, no matter what kind of geometrical shape you play it with.
A lot of older parents worry about being older parents. I hear people say, 'I don't want to be too old to play baseball with my son.' They worry that their kids will be embarrassed by their parents' age.
The bullpen in a baseball park is the best place for matador training.