Saso: [Speaking in Spanish] Listen to me carefully, Carlito. Rudy says Pachanga is complaining about being broke; that he doesn't have a single dollar. He's also saying that you're a piece of shit, and that you don't have the balls to take care of th...
Tyler Durden: [to the police chief] Hi. You're going to call off your rigorous investigation. You're going to publicly state that there is no underground group. Or... these guys are going to take your balls. They're going to send one to the New York ...
Galloway: I'm sorry to bother you, I should have called first. Kaffee: No, no, I was just watching a ball game. Come on in. Galloway: I was wondering if... how'd you would feel about my taking you to dinner tonight. Kaffee: Are you asking me out on a...
Auric Goldfinger: [Playing golf with Bond] Two holes to go. James Bond: Yes, and all's square. Auric Goldfinger: Then you have no objection to increasing the stakes? James Bond: No. What did you have in mind? Auric Goldfinger: Why, the bar of gold yo...
[Ricky Roma gets a lead from Williamson with a familiar "deadbeat" name] Ricky Roma: Patel? Ravadem Patel? How am I gonna make a livin' on these deadbeats? Where did you get this one from the morgue? Williamson: Look I'm... Ricky Roma: Oh come on, wh...
Mrs. Iselin: Raymond, I'm your mother. How can you talk to me this way? You know that I want nothing for myself. You know that my whole life has been devoted to helping you... Raymond Shaw: [Balls his fists and jams them over his ears] Mother... Mrs....
[Morton and Johnson head to the elevator after the boardroom meeting] Bob Morton: Yes! Now that's how it's done in the big leagues, Johnson. You see an opening, you GO for it! [both walk into the elevator] Johnson: You better watch your back, Bob. Jo...
Mr. Pink: I'm very sorry the government taxes their tips, that's fucked up. That ain't my fault. It would seem to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. Look, if you ask me to sign something ...
Tony Montana: I never fucked anybody over in my life didn't have it coming to them. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one. Do you understand? That piece of shit up there, I never liked him, I...
Miles Raymond: Okay, so what's the plan? Jack: Uh... the plan is... you go. Miles Raymond: ME? Jack: 'Cause of my ankle. Still hurts. Just go explain the situation, Miles. Miles Raymond: [laughs uproariously] Miles Raymond: Explain the situation? Yes...
Terry Fields: Let me have a Three Musketeers, and a ball point pen, and one of those combs there, a pint of Old Harper, a couple of flash light batteries and some beef jerky. Barman: Okay, you got an I.D. for the liquor? Terry Fields: Oh, umm, yeah. ...
Bender: Are you a virgin? I'll bet you a million dollars that you are. Let's end the suspense! Is it gonna be... a white wedding? Claire: Why don't you just shut up? Bender: Have you ever kissed a boy on the mouth? [Claire doesn't answer] Bender: Hav...
Sam: Do you really think you'll be ready for opening tomorrow? Riggan: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, I mean, previews were pretty much a train-wreck. We can't seem to get through without a raging fire or a raging hard-on. I'm broke. I'm not sleeping like, ...
Your everyday supermarket now carries roughly 40,000 items - twice as many as a decade ago. There are so many products, so many brands and sub-species of those brands, that no consumer is safe from the bombardment of choice overload. A huge variety o...
Baseball is just a game. But like religion, it has rituals. I need rituals. I need traditions. I need something to believe in, whether I worship in a church or a stadium. I believe in the Yankees and then divorced them and came all the way back to be...
The flow. Yeah. Knowing you could step on the court and make it happen. You practiced, sure. But then, when you walked out there, you could just go. You could flow, that was it: you created and you didn't totally know how. You just knew you could, so...
With the fading of the final notes the saxophone player turns to me. Its baleful, otherworldly gaze bores into my soul. It lowers its instrument to the disc and extends a podgy, grey hand to point at me. It looms closer, its head expanding, arm elong...
Suppose a country starts its independence with the three economic characteristics that globally make a country prone to civil war: low income, slow growth, and dependence upon primary commodity exports. It is playing Russian roulette. That is not jus...
Suppose I were to give you a key ring [...] with a hundred keys, and I were to tell you that one of these keys will unlock it, this door we're imagining opening in onto all you want to be, as a player. How many of the keys would you be willing to try...
As you wish, of course." Lucius lowered the volume on an old record player, which spun a warped vinyl disk that wailed unfamiliar music, scratchy and whiny, like cats fighting. Or a coffin with rusty hinges opening and closing over and over again in ...
Meditation practice is like piano scales, basketball drills, ballroom dance class. Practice requires discipline; it can be tedious; it is necessary. After you have practiced enough, you become more skilled at the art form itself. You do not practice ...