The key with a full-skirt shape is to balance it out with a great figure-hugging top.
I think sometimes good sentimentality is fun when it's balanced.
And harmony means that the relationship between all the elements used in a composition is balanced, is good.
I spend a lot of time balancing between faith and disbelief.
It's important to have balance in your life between work and play.
I believe you have to have balance in your life.
Everything in moderation, and there's a perfect balance in this life if we can find it.
I'm trying to strike a balance between Bollywood and Hollywood.
I'm not a fanatic about exercising. For me, it's about moderation and balance.
The force of passion is balanced by the force of interest.
You're a monster. Thanks. Does this mean I get a raise? No, just a medal. The budget isn't inexhaustable.
Because we were a poor area, the school had a small budget and was unable to teach the second half of the alphabet.
Honestly, working with Eddie Murphy was mind-blowing just in terms of the budget alone. To see the respect he commands, to witness his presence, you understand why he and people like Martin Lawrence are stars.
Becoming food savvy is one thing, but it's amazing how fast savvy turns to snooty, and snooty leaves you preparing three-hour meals that break your budget and that the kids won't even eat.
'Yosemite' opened doors for me in the New York theater community in amazing ways. There's a whole world of fearless young theater makers here who put shows together on a shoestring budget and with gigantic hearts.
Nature can put on a thrilling show. The stage is vast, the lighting is dramatic, the extras are innumerable, and the budget for special effects is absolutely unlimited.
The Beltway is waking up to the realities of Prsident Obam's budget plan, which taxes, spends, and borrows as far as the eye can see.
The most frustrating part of working in TV and film is that you have to convince someone to let you make what you want; in comics you can do whatever you want and for 1% of the budget of TV and film.
When I started in the late 1950s, every film I made - no matter how low the budget - got a theatrical release. Today, less that 20-percent of our films get a theatrical release.
The administration has a disturbing pattern of behavior when it comes to budgeting not only for the ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan but also for military requirements not directly related to these conflicts.
However, this President sees no problem eliminating funding for Perkins Loans in his budget, even though the cost of tuition is rising and will continue to rise as the administration's policies force inflation.