enjoy cooking with delicious taste
I'm too tasteful for my pants.
There's definitely a thin line between being tasteful and tacky.
Where my tastes in music are concerned, I'm a real maximalist.
I should in fairness add that my taste in music is reputedly deplorable.
The French have got taste.
Modern politics is like watching a film with only bad guys. It soon starts to get really boring, because one of the points of stories is that they should have some sort of redeeming character, or, at the very least, trick the viewer into believing su...
Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse.
Fire is a good slave, but a bad master.
Better alone than in bad company.
It's a bad plan that cannot be changed.
There's no thief like a bad book.
Bad and good are intertwined like rope.
The bad plowman quarrels with his oxen.
It is a bad plowman that quarrels with his ox.
Bad is called good when worse happens.
A person with a bad name is already half-hanged.
A bad peace is better than a good war.
An agenda is not a bad thing.
Everyone can have a bad day.
In and of itself, keeping the country safe for business is not a bad thing.