I feel incompetent to perform duties... which have been so unexpectedly thrown upon me.
An applause is not just the recognition of good performance, but its proof of being different than the crowd.
We are all actors, set on the stage of the world, as the curtains open we put on our best performance to this audience of life.
I want my word to be up to the scale of the feat of arms performed by the Russian soldier.
I've always been a producer - that's how I see myself first. The DJing came second as a way for me to be able to perform.
So I'm one of the few celebrities that got to do a repeat performance on 'The Simpsons,' which I'm very flattered by.
There is a certain loveliness, I think, to performing deep cleaning in one’s underwear on a beautiful summer day.
I always think that a director who knows about the technical side, but cares about the acting performances and casting as well, is ahead of the game.
I was always performing, doing silly voices. The teachers realized I could go one of two ways: be creative or destructive.
Meryl Streep is my favorite actor. She is so classy and a brilliant actress. Her performance in 'Sophie's Choice' just kills me.
If I produce it, I will stage it as a performance. A small audience will be invited; rehearsals of the sections will be done in the mornings, and those sections will be recorded in the afternoons.
Free speech is not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even for the same performance.
The mobilisation which Bush has been able to perform since 11 September 2001 has to be fought - at least by Americans - in the name of a wise, honourable and democratic patriotism.
I think that's so strange, because they do know that we're all actors and we perform things that have not necessarily anything to do with us personally.
Las Vegas and I both grew up together, and all of a sudden I was doing things that no performer had ever done before.
I am not a performer but occasionally I deliberately work in a public context. Some sculptures need the movement of people around them to work.
If I were to play somebody who ran a fish and chip shop, I would not work in a fish and chip shop for three months. Staring at chips is not going to help me in my performance.
Sometimes, there's a preconceived notion of how a scene or how a work should be delivered. And I see young performers sometimes try and deliver that, and it's not really true to their voice or who they are.
On the last day of our five-day work week, we did two performances and we had an audience. It was similar to theatre; we went from beginning to end, and it was very pleasing.
I feel that the work that I have done in the comedy arena, is priceless in terms of what I learned, timing, everything that these incredibly talented performers were generous enough in teaching me.
When you have young children, it is hard to see live performances. Unless I am in it. I do manage to see my husband Rupert Goold's work, of course.