The difference between people and ideas is... only superficial.
I went to America with a very specific idea of what I wanted to do.
I like the idea of playing in unison with yourself.
I hate wearing anything tight. A corset is my idea of torture.
The idea of England in decline is very attractive.
But I don't sit down at dinner and have clever ideas.
Words, like people, hate to be the slaves of ideas
Nothing is less like life than our idea of it.
Parents like the idea of kids, they just don't like their kids.
A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.
Fear has become normal and is covered by the idea of “patriotism”.
The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind.
Even though we know freedom as an idea we're not really as free as we think we are.
Never fret for an only son, the idea of failure will never occur to him.
I'm suspicious of the idea of architects acting like business executives, brand managers, or purveyors of luxury goods.
The idea of entrepreneurship applies as much in politics, religion, society and the arts as it does in business.
It was just an idea I had, that it could be cool to have a book covered in fake fur.
The idea of sitting at home, not making music, just makes me want to throw up.
The history of ideas is littered with the corpses of those who have tried to define culture.
The history of mankind is the history of ideas.