I never have a bad night, bad day, bad moment.
There are some forms of religion that are bad, just as there's bad cooking or bad art or bad sex, you have bad religion too.
Feeling bad is not the problem. The problem is that we feel bad about feeling bad. Once you begin to let go of feeling bad about feeling bad, and start feeling better about feeling bad, then pretty soon you'll just feel better. And then you'll feel a...
A bad one breaks his board.
...a bad diet will eventually kill our dreams. It's essential that we constantly evaluate the nutritional value of what we are feeding ourselves. It may come down to how many hours of television we're viewing, the quality of the programs we're watchi...
No one really has a bad life. Not even a bad day. Just bad moments.
Praise makes a bad man worse.
In bad fortune hold out, in good hold in.
It is a bad game where nobody wins.
A bad son gives his mother a bad name.
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
But the Milanese have made bad choices, bad fashion, and bad jewelry.
The bad news is that only the bad people reach the news because they are noisier.
Reading, conversation, environment, culture, heroes, mentors, nature – all are lottery tickets for creativity. Scratch away at them and you’ll find out how big a prize you’ve won.
To experience positive/healthy emotions you don’t need a big house or a nice car or a managerial job or a million dollar in your bank.
The greatest pollution problem is not found in the atmosphere, water, or soil; but in the minds of 90% of the population, which are contaminated with negative thoughts and beliefs.
If you keep running away from yourself then be warned that love, joy, peace and fulfillment will keep running away from you!
There is no dictionary in the world that includes the words ’skinny’ or ‘fat’ under the definitions of ‘beautiful’ and ‘ugly’. So, focus on being healthy and stop the self-criticism.
Worry denies the power of God and produces no good results. Worry adds no value to your life. Eliminate it with God’s help.
We should never wait for science to give us permission to do the uncommon; if we do, then we are turning science into another religion.
We must look at the lens through we see the world, as well as the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.