We're a government that believes in everybody having the illusion of free will.
I say we cut our government in half, with a chainsaw along their waists.
Nations should be governed by a council of learned men who must answer to the people for their actions.
But I do know this: that the two and a half years that I've been at HUD, I am absolutely convinced that some of the best workers in the world are in Federal Government.
The labour movement had the best opportunity in 50 years to transform not merely an industrial situation and win an important battle for workers in struggle, but an opportunity to change the government of the day.
Americans oppose Obamacare because they understand that it is inconsistent with our liberties and our idea of limited government and that it will destroy the best health care system in the world.
Young people in particular need real options to find a decent job and to lift their lives. I'm not sure the new Islamist governments will be the best to promote prosperity and growth.
While I'm optimistic about the direction the world is headed, generally, I think there is a need for constant vigilance and pressure on repressive governments.
After choosing monetary union, further political union and workable governance in Europe was always going to be necessary.
Why is there never a headline that says "Government program ends as its intended goal has been achieved"?
One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.
Governments have always been wary of the arts because they're wayward and ambiguous and because they deal with feelings rather than facts.
Citizens' rights cannot be protected if their digital activities are governed and policed by opaque and publicly unaccountable corporate mechanisms.
Rights" are something made up by governments to make you feel like you're buying something with your taxes.
Victims suggest innocence. And innocence, by the inexorable logic that governs all relational terms, suggests guilt.
Why does a government agency that has no connection with my community have the right to dictate what is appropriate for it?
It's every American's duty to support his government but not necessarily in the style to which it has become accustomed.
That is because the conflict with al Qaeda is not governed by the Geneva Conventions, which applies only to international conflicts between states that have signed them.
Unfortunately, very few governments think about youth unemployment when they are drawing up their national plans.
What governments and people don't realise is that sometimes the collective interest - the international interest - is also the national interest.
For over 20 years, the federal and provincial governments have made enormous efforts employing a variety of approaches in an attempt to stimulate Montreal's economy.