It takes guts and bravery and heart to walk a mile in a single girl’s shoes. And sometimes a fabulous pedicure.
She tried so hard to be brave, to be fierce as a wolverine and all, but sometimes she felt like she was just a little girl after all.
I'm at a camp with over 100 girls 11 to 13 years old, around my own age, and I feel like my parents are my only friends. -Mackenzie
Oh," He thought, "There is something with this girl." James thoughts regarding Kristen in "Top From The Bottom" a short story in Six Ways From Sunday.
Mean girls go far in high school. Kind women go far in LIFE.
She is so lovely she could kill you without you even noticing it. A monster girl who knows when to kiss and when to kill.
There is a silence so great that I can hear the ice crystals cracking and falling from eyelashes of girls who will never blink again.
Katy skipped over, her low-rise jeans threatening to fall off her skinny hips. With some girls, that was a sexy look. With Katy, it made you nervous.
Never trust girls who let themselves be touched right away. But even less those who need a priest for approval.
You can want and want and want, but if he doesn't want you back ... you might as well wish the sky were red.
Everyone knows revenge is a dish best served when you've had enough time to build up enough vitriol and fury.
Please promise to take the very best care of my only girl. With so much love my heart might split in two...
I don't think he likes girls", I said. "Or boys. Look at the horror on his face. He doesn't look like a people person.
I had a date last night with my boyfriend on batteries. What does a girl have to do to get laid by a real penis?
If I weren’t married, and I didn’t have a girlfriend, I’d ask that girl out. But what can I do? I’m an honorable guy.
I don’t want any other girl.” He shook his head and took a step closer, cupping my face in his hands. “I belong with you and you belong with me.
You see, this is the beauty I want. Beauty has got to be astonishing, astounding--it's got to burst in on you like a dream, like the exquisite eyes of a girl.
I don't like killing a girl," the Spaniard said. "God does it all the time; if it doesn't bother Him, don't let it worry you.
Several of the girls at the party had had sex, something which sounded appealing but only if it could happen with blindfolds in a time warp plus amnesia
Ghosts are not what I remember of my childhood; but somehow they infuse memories of myself as a child, the little girl in a storybook, with ghosts hovering around her.
When she wraps her arms around my neck, all I want to do is protect this girl for the rest of my life.