Good luck is just bad luck with its hair combed.
Good" and "Bad" may be alien concepts to him, Ben.
In bad times, the rich usually get richer.
When people have too many choices, they make bad choices.
I'm a coffee enthusiast. I try not to have too many bad habits.
If I swim in the ocean, I have a shark thought. Not a bad one, but just a little one.
Moms in fiction and memoir get a bad rap.
To some people I'll always be the bad guy.
It's more fun playing someone who isn't just a bad guy.
Making bad decisions is a part of life. Blaming others for your bad decisions is immature.
Bad is always afraid of good and that is the reason why bad tries to eliminate good!
If you're playing the bad guy, you have to find what you like about them.
Being a parent does not give you an excuse for bad manners.
It is not a bad thing that children should occasionally, and politely, put parents in their place.
For 'Breaking Bad,' people were with Walter White for 99% of that show, even though that guy is a monster.
Why is it when we have a bad experience with a product, we assume it is us, but a bad experience with food, we blame the food?!
Libertarians believe that any government interference is bad. Anyone with a brain knows that climate change needs governmental leadership, and they can smell this is bad news for their philosophy. Their ideology is so strongly held that, remarkably, ...
The argument that someone is a bad man is an inadequate argument for war and certainly an inadequate and unacceptable argument for regime change.
Government, in the last analysis, is organized opinion. Where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government.
There aren't just bad people that commit genocide; we are all capable of it. It's our evolutionary history.
If I go on a diet and work out, I'm always in a bad mood. I'd rather be a little heavier but nice.