Instead of making people victims of people who are successful, we should be telling people, 'Look, you are having a hard time, I feel bad for you. Let's look at what you're doing, let's teach you how to succeed. Let's give you the tools to succeed as...
I'm sometimes accused of being hostile to mutual funds. That's not fair, really. There is a place for them. Still, I am hostile to one thing, which is trying to use funds to time your way in and out of the market. That's a recipe for very bad results...
I have quite dark skin, and when I had my son, I suffered quite bad pigmentation; I had dark patches on my face. Everyone said it would go, but it would take a very long time for them to even slightly disappear.
I would not suggest the U.S. should sit down with the North Koreans bilaterally immediately after they've fired missiles - because the appearance is that you reward bad behavior. But if North Korea behaves for some period of time, I would pretty much...
Pierre Morhange: What about the solo? Clément Mathieu: Which solo? Pierre Morhange: My solo. Clément Mathieu: Oh. Your solo. No, there's no solo. You don't have a bad voice but no-one's indispensible.
Emily: When I told you when I had to work late? I really went to go see the new Twilight movie by myself, and it was so bad.
Gervais Beaulieu: [about gay people] You've got to be sick to keep your penis in someone else's ass! Laurianne Beaulieu: [pause] Hmm... You have bad memory. Gervais Beaulieu: [pause] Well... that was different...
Top Dollar: It's all been done before, you see what I'm sayin'? Bad Ass Criminal: That's no reason to quit. Top Dollar: Wrong. Best reason to quit. *Only* reason to quit.
[Pickett is going to drink from a pool, turning his back on Wilson in the process] Cole Wilson: Don't do that. Johnny 'The Kid' Pickett: Why not? Cole Wilson: It's bad for your health...
Billy Costigan: There was a cop leaving when I came in. Madolyn: How did you know he was a cop? Billy Costigan: Know, bad haircut, no dress sense, and, you know, a slight air of scumbag entitlement.
Django: You kill people? And they give you a reward? Dr. King Schultz: Certain people, yeah... Django: Bad people? Dr. King Schultz: [grins] Ah! Badder they are, the bigger the reward.
Sergeant Prendergast: Let's meet a couple of police officers. They are all good guys. Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy? Sergeant Prendergast: Yeah. Bill Foster: How did that happen?
Private Cowboy: Been getting any? Private Joker: Only your sister. Private Cowboy: Well, better my sister than my mom, and my mom ain't bad.
John Smith: What a piece of work is man. And there is no good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Human beings are perhaps never more dangerous than when they are convinced beyond a doubt that they are right. Patience. Penance.
Raoul Duke: Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes.
[last lines] Peter Quill: What should we do next: Something good, something bad? Bit of both? Gamora: We'll follow your lead, Star-Lord. Peter Quill: A bit of both!
Andrew Largeman: So how do people know what's real? Sam: Well, I always feel bad afterwards and admit them when they're lies. Can you trust that?
Little Mary: Is this the ear you can't hear on? [whispering in his bad ear] Little Mary: George Bailey, I'll love you 'til the day I die.
Lowell Bergman: What does this guy have to say that threatens these people? Mike Wallace: Well, it isn't that cigarrettes are bad for you. Lowell Bergman: Hardly new news. Mike Wallace: No shit.
Sing: I realized then that good guys never win. I want to be bad. I want to be the killer! Sing's Sidekick: [looks up] Ice cream! [leaves] Sing: Where? [follows]
Sera: I think the tough times are finally behind me. There'll always be bad things, but... my life is good. It is as I want it to be. It's good. It's good being here with you.