I'm a girl who eats, I love to eat.
Any girl that's got a $500,000 table and $5 shoes, I'm in love with.
Big girls need big diamonds.
Wit doesn't make girls pretty.
I always think of myself as a working girl.
I'm the kind of girl who always has a boyfriend.
Girls are more attractive to me than dresses.
When it comes to girl bands, we're all rivals.
I took my time to find the perfect girl.
I've always been the long-term relationship, go-home-and-meet-mom girl.
I wanted to marry a girl just like my mom.
I originally passed on 'Girls' because I thought TV was evil.
I saw the pilot for 'Girls' about six months before it aired.
I've always got on with lads, more than I have with girls.
I want my girls to be strong and self-sufficient.
If I died tomorrow, I would be a happy girl.
Food shouldn't be half-bad. It should be all good.
When things go bad, don't go with them.
Voices and faces aren't manifestations of good or bad.
Bad wolf. Stop baiting the human.
It's only as bad as you make it.