I wasn't the trendiest girl at college.
I'm married to a girl from Wales.
Some girls are bigger than others.
Jennifer Lawrence is just the coolest girl.
I'm a home girl. I like to stay home.
Girls are always at their best smiling.
Girls in my school were always prettier.
Every woman needs a girls' night out.
I'm from Michigan and a down-home girl.
I am not a sports girl.
The truth is, I don't really have a type of girl.
I was not the hot, popular girl in school.
I like a high boot on a girl.
Girls are soft and pretty.
I have a majority girl audience on YouTube.
Silence is a girls loudest cry
Join the union, girls, and together say Equal Pay for Equal Work.
Just as sometimes I wondered if Grandpa had ever existed, sometimes I wondered if I truly existed myself. As I was running, I could see myself from outside myself: a skinny girl with the flapping shorts and too- big a T-shirt, always watching the oth...
Lights and darks. And suddenly i was here, where everything seems strange. And I don't know why. Like the Fox and the Crow, I don't know the whole story yet. But that's a good reason to go on, don't you think?" "Go where?" said the Scarecrow. "Go for...
She even told me how to treat a girl on a date, which was very interesting. She said that with a girl like Mary Elizabeth, you shouldn't tell her she looks pretty. You should tell her how nice her outfit is because her outfit is her choice whereas he...
Agatha: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved. Lamar Burgess: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved, think about all the lives she will save, that little girl could have saved Sean. John Anderton: [yells] Don't you *ever...