The web site and the Internet are a whole new ball game.
Millionaires don't play the blame game but the gain game.
Effie Trinket: The library, all mahogany...
Most game music is based on loops effectively.
Right now, more people enjoy movies, music, television and movies than they do video games.
I like video games, I like tech, I like being positive.
Let the Hunger Games Begin!
I want to win football games.
When I work a game as an analyst, all I do is look at the game like a coach.
It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.
A novel with a bad middle is a bad book. A bad ending is something I've just gotten in the habit of forgiving.
I've done the bad-boy thing. It was fun for a good three months. But the thing about bad boys is, you have to keep in mind, you're never gonna marry a bad boy.
A good culture in a hospital can absorb and manage a few bad nurses, but once the culture becomes bad in itself, bad nursing practice is much harder to hide.
There are plenty of bad actors and there are plenty of bad directors. There are actors who will always be bad and there are good actors who you cry for because they're being badly directed or the material isn't good enough.
I don't have any bad habbits. They might be bad habits for other people, but they're all right for me.
'Malandrinas' means 'bad girls,' but not bad in a negative way. I wrote it in homage to my female fans.
The good guy yang tahu jalan pikiran di otak the bad guy jelas lebih responsif dalam mengantisipasi tindakan the bad guy. Berbeda dengan the good guy yang clueless sama sekali tentang dunia the bad guy.
One day Mrs. Goodkind said, 'Pickles, you are not a bad cat. You are not a good cat. You are good and bad. And bad and good. You are a mixed-up cat. What you need is a good home. Then you will be good.'
Don't look now, but that's my ex over there." Surely I'm not the only one who takes "don't look now" as "there's no better time than now." I looked. "Bad, Ali!" Another slap to my arm. "Bad, bad, bad Ali! Have you no self control?
Fine. Fine. Let’s try. You asked why bad things happen to good people. Well, the simple answer is, there are no bad things and there are no good people. Nothing bad ever happens to anyone and people are neither good nor bad. A person is nothing. A ...
There is no bad food in a famine.